Wednesday 17 October 2012

Hope in troubled times

In the book "Bothered and Bewildered" Ann Morisy suggests nine aptitudes that people need to develop in order to enact hope in troubled times. 

These are -
  1. to be a non anxious presence in stressful times
  2. to practise systemic thinking in order to resist the temptation to blame others when things go wrong
  3. to practise gratitude - even in difficult circumstances
  4. to engage in courageous micro-actions that counter the inclination toward neo-tribalism and fragmentation rather than social cohesion (eg the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well)
  5. to imagine ways of breaking out of the constraints of circumstances and have the motivation and discipline to persist with intentional behaviour
  6. to gain confidence in the viability of the economy of abundance and generosity that Jesus inducts us into, rather than being beholden to the economy of scarcity
  7. to practise sitting more lightly on the globe in recognition of our thoughtless abuse of the creation
  8. to practise compassion, conviviality and harness the imagination to ward off the dangers of gnosticism
  9. to draw on the enriching memories of eras past in order to affirm the human capacity to correct its own errors or in more theological language to repent or turn around.
These give an idea of the process of church needed for troubled times.

 (Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

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